God requires offerings to be given three times a year, but many organizations say that the number is seven and base their teaching on interpretations of the law.

God requires offerings to be given three times a year, but many organizations say that the number is seven and base their teaching on interpretations of the law. Presenting a gift to God is an intimate exercise that was instituted by the LORD. While offerings can, and should, be given at other times of the year, it cannot be said that God requires us to give on every holy day. This especially true with the Day of Atonement which would be a sin to take up offerings on that holy day. This booklet explains what God meant when He stated, “Three times a year all your males shall appear before the LORD your God… and they shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed.” Despite what many have claimed, the requirement has nothing to do with three seasons. Also, the holy day offerings are to be used in a certain way, and few properly administer God’s three offerings. The answers to all of this is found when considering the instructions and examples of these unique three offerings to be made annually.

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Related links

Three Offerings Every Year (video)

The Law of Pilgrimage Feasts (sermon)

The Magnificent Meaning of God’s Holy Days (book)